Friday, February 29, 2008

Gettin' Out of Debt Dave Ramsey Style!

Last fall sitting in our missions conference I listened to a presentation from a missionary family to Peru. They needed people with a heart for missions to come and join their work to help with Women's Ministries and their whole work in general. I wanted to stand on a desk and say, "Here I am, send me!!" I tried to mentally stand up until I realized I was hopelessly glued to my seat by DEBT. (not really hopelessly, I have Hope)

I have long been saddled with this heavy has felt so impossible to ever be fabulous friend Leah got me hooked on Dave Ramsey and yesterday we invested a nice little sum of our tax return and went to Dave Ramsey's HQ in Brentwood, TN for financial advisement, and it was worth every last penny!

So now I see some light at the end of the tunnel, it is still a VERY long tunnel though, but I have commited myself to God that I am going to follow the guidelines set in place yesterday in the hopes that we will be able to get out of debt and someday go to the mission field, or adopt internationally, or make a lot of money and help a lot of other people do those things.

I have started selling a ton of stuff on Craig's List to pay off smaller debts...I have already made $240 on things that were just sitting around my house!!

Stay tuned for more updates:)

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Creditors

Wednesday night someone called and offered us 2 tickets to go see a Nashville Predators game. I am not a hockey fan, but I will always try a pro sporting event at least once.

Well, Zanna got sick, so I didn't want to leave her with a sitter, and Zeke had to be up for school the next day, Zach at hockey game would put somebody in the psych ward, so by process of elimination Zeb ended up going with Kevin.

Zeb thoroughly enjoyed the experience, particularly memorable to him is the "video" on the jumbotron which apparently shows the mascot devouring a few opposing players.

On the way out to the car, Zeb looked around in the dark parking lot, and said, "I hope no creditors jump out and eat us."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Extravaganza

A few weeks ago I casually asked Zeke if he wanted to buy or make Valentine cards for his class. He said he wanted to make them, I figured he would want to buy them. This week has been crazy, so finally at 8 pm last night we sat down with construction paper, glue, scissors and most importantly to Zeke, glitter; because in his words, "Glitter just makes everything nicer." Who knew??
We figured out what he wanted to do and got started, he tired out after cutting out the 2nd heart, so I finished cutting, gluing, and *GLITTERING* 17 little looked like a glitter factory exploded on my kitchen table...I am anticipating a clause next year in Zeb's Valentine letter, "Parents, please, no glitter!"
I learned a lesson, next year we can make cards for family, but for the class we will be buying!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An epiphany...

In a recent...ahem...disagreement with my husband, in an instance where he had (in my opinion) been insensitive (kind of like a buffalo) I was very angry, and hurt. Obviously I am not anymore or I wouldn't be blogging about it.

I was doing the dishes, and I was praying that God would help me know how to handle this situation. My train of thought was how exactly can I approach (manipulate/control) this situation and get the most emotional bang for my buck (or the most sorrow on my husband's part in wronging me) not in a vengeful way, but I had been wronged and it needed to be made right, and he needed to understand my delicate nature and how he had offended his bride. I waited for an answer and heard nothing.

I thought about the story about the beggar woman finally achieving her goal from the ruler because of her persistance, and how the Bible says if you lack wisdom or understanding just ask. So I put on my best 4 year-old impression and told God that his Word said to ask, so I am asking; and I just started asking, "What should I do?" over and over in my head...thankfully I was alone because I probably looked like a crazy woman.

God in his infinite love and mercy overlooked my self-centered immaturity and whispered to me I Corinthians 13. (Not audibly...but I heard him) This was NOT what I was looking for, so I stopped asking. I would like to say I obeyed immediately...but I don't want to get in trouble for this morning I read it, this is howthe Message Bible put it.

I Corinthians 13:4-7 (Parentheses mine)
Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Love doesn't strut, doesn't have a swelled head, doesn't force itself on others, Isn't always "me first," (ouch) doesn't fly off the handle, doesn't keep score of the sins of others, Doesn't revel when others grovel, (Oh me!) takes plesure in the floweing of truth, PUTS UP WITH ANYTHING (Even having my feelings hurt?? How can this be??) trusts God always, always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end.

Save me from myself, Lord!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Here's to another month of not being pregnant!!

I'm just really excited about not being pregnant and I thought I would share.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More lip from Zanna...

Zanna to Zeb, "Mommy's a meanie bo beanie." (Because she is not allowed to go out to play until she cleans up her current excursion which happens to be the art box.)

Zeb in stern reply, "No she's not. She follows the law. The law that says you can't go outside until you do your job."

At least I am getting through to somebody.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Embarrasing things...

Zanna has recently screamed while standing and pointing in restaurants.

"Mommy, they're chewing with their mouths open!" Referring to a woman and her daughter sitting across from us, who were indeed chewing with their mouths open.

"Mommy, he got ice-cream without permission!" Referring to the 50 year-old man sitting at the table next to us.

"Mommy, his shirt in on backwards!" Referring to a man, whose shirt was not on backwards.