Monday, May 12, 2008

Cinco de Mayo Baby

All of my babies are late, and they all had big heads. My first baby was a C-section, after which I had 2 VBACs. When I was 37 weeks along with Zach, his head measured that of a 41 week gestation. Knowing that he would probably be late...and that with a head that big I would probably end up with another C-section...I elected to have a C-section without going through 27 hours of labor first this time. May 5th just happened to be the perfect day for everybody...and who doesn't want a free margarita on their birthday? So, Zach became my Cinco de Mayo Baby.
We took him to Red Robin, just like we took the other 3 in Anchorage, it's so convenient that Murfreesboro just happens to have a Red Robin!
Once again, I got to the end of an event and realized I had only gotten 3 out of 4 children in any pictures, not sure how that happens, but at least I got the birthday boy this time (Zeb's Chuck-E-Cheese celebration, I didn't get any of him:( Oh, well, the whole last post and the whole next post are all about Zeke...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That's right...who DOESN'T want a free margarita on their birthday?? Too bad I was born in November!!